Friday, August 29, 2008

back into blogging mode

I'm back...really. It's been far too long since I regularly wrote something for this blog.
OK, I never was very regular, but I want to. 
So, over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to TRY writing something every day.
This will mostly be related to video production: tips, ideas, reviews; etc. Occasionally I may diverge into a rant, if something's really worked into my craw...
I'm not sure what a craw is, but I think you understand.

So, for today's video production tip:  
Always set up your white balance every time: use that handy little toggle switch on your camera if you're working in two different lighting environments.  Yeah you can always "fix it in post." But do yourself a favor and save yourself the editing time - Lord knows editing is time-consuming enough - taking a little more time in production will lessen the frustration of fixing it in the editing bay. 

That's it for today... until next time, keep rolling tape, or collecting pixels if you're all digital.  


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